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Barnehager - et kinderegg i bistand

  • Litteraturhuset Wergelandsveien 29, 0167 Oslo Oslo Norway (map)
Photo by Mikkel Becker-Aakervik.

Partnership for Change, a Norwegian CSO, is hosting a seminar to discuss the potential of Early Childhood Care and Education (professional childcare for ages 0-4) to ensure inclusive growth.

Common challenges across the African continent are health and nutrition, inclusive economic growth, and the advancement of women, the lack of which perpetuate poverty and conflict.

Today, more than 60% of Africa’s population is under the age of 25. By 2030, young Africans are expected to constitute 42% of global youth. This is often pitched as a massive potential for growth but relies on adequate vocational training, job creation, and a more equal distribution of opportunities and resources. 51% of these youths are women, most of whom will at some point become mothers. Without access to quality and affordable childcare, mothers always end up taking the responsibility and subsequently drop out of school and pause their careers, often indefinitely. Childcare is thus a prerequisite for women’s equal participation in education, work and business.

Additionally, quality childcare leads to better results in school and careers later in life for children, and it helps businesses by increasing, and retaining, the pool of female talent – boosting productivity and innovation. Childcare has, despite Norway’s world-leading competence and experience, been overlooked as a strategic measure in international cooperation and development. We believe it is time to acknowledge its potential for poverty alleviation, gender equality and inclusive economic growth.

This seminar is held in Norwegian. For registration or questions please contact Ms. Heidi Skansen at heidi.skansen@pfchange.

Photo by Mikkel Becker-Aakervik.

6 September

Invitation to site visit: Inter-municipal company responsible for water supply and wastewater in the central-eastern part of Norway

18 September

NABA-medlemmer i Nigeria inviteres til et møte for å kartlegge behov og muligheter for et Energi for Utviklingprogram