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Compliance, Environmental and Social impact reporting

Event contact: Rosemarie Frigstad Luke

NABA, in cooperation with Export Credit Norway, GIEK and Norwegian Energy Partners, invites the renewable energy industry to a webinar on cost-effective risk management and reporting for anti-corruption, environmental and social impacts (ESI) related to renewable energy projects in developing countries. The webinar will cover topics relevant for both suppliers and project developers.

Increased focus on governance, risk management and compliance as well as environmental and social impacts and other reputational risk factors, amongst financial institutions, governmental organisations, local governments, investors and other stakeholders, has increased the reporting and documentation burden for suppliers and project developers. At the same time, compliance, good governance, supply chain control and corporate social responsibility (CSR) should be equally important to suppliers and project developers.

It can be challenging for companies to know where to find the necessary information related to required standards for reporting, such as ESI assessments (ESIA) and stakeholder engagement. Many companies have expressed concern about costs and time spent on reporting and documentation, having to report things several times in order to meet the different demands from different stakeholders.

In this webinar, we want to provide Norwegian suppliers and projects developers within renewable energy with some insight into how to navigate among various reporting requirements, especially from financial institutions and investors, as well as advice on how to reduce own risk and ensure good governance in challenging markets. Further, we will focus on how to make these assessments cost-effective.


13.00 – 13.05:   Welcome- Gunn Vik, Regional Director, Norwegian Energy Partners

13.05 – 13.20:   Due diligence assessments within companies and their supply chain, Fanny Fabricius Bye, Senior Sustainability Advisor, Eksportkreditt

13.20 – 13.35:   International standards for environmental and social impact assessments, risk categories, documentation requirements and practical advice –Sigrid Brynestad, Environmental Expert, GIEK

13.35 – 13:50    Anti-corruption legislation and transparent agreements and use of agent, Nicolai Skridshol, Partner and Head of Investigation and Compliance department, SANDS 

13.50 – 14.05:   Scatec Solar shares their experiences from operating in challenges markets, Johan Tingulstad, Senior Sustainability Manager

14.05 – 14.20:   Multiconsult shares their experience from reporting, Jørn Stave, Senior Environmental Advisor

14.20 – 14.55:   Q&A /  roundtable, Vilde Grønn Larsen, Senior Vice President Energy & Industry,  Eksportkreditt

14:55 – 15:00:   Closing remarks, Mathilde Emilie Thue, Chief Operating Officer,  NABA

Practical information

This is an online webinar, taking place on 19 October from 13:00 to 15:00 CEST.

Please note that this webinar will be held in Norwegian 

There is no participation fee for this event.

Webinar Instructions

  • The event will take place on the Webinar application Zoom. Once registered you will receive a link by email to join the webinar in due time

  • Please sign up through the link above to join the meeting. The meeting will only be made available for pre-registered attendants approved by Norwegian Energy Partners

  • When signing up for the meeting, you agree that Norwegian Energy Partners may register you as a participant with Zoom

  • If you wish to join the webinar through web browser, we recommend to use Google Chrome

For any questions, please contact

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