13th of October: Nordic-African Business Summit to focus on Investing in Africa’s Growing Cities
Growing African cities create investment opportunities for Nordic companies. How can Nordic and African business together tap into the opportunities provided by the fastest urbanizing continent? This is the overall focus when African and Nordic business people gather in Oslo, Norway, on the 13th of October this year.
The Summit is co-hosted by Norfund – the Norwegian government’s development finance institution and the Norwegian-African Business Assocaition (NABA).
– The Nordic-African Business Summit has become the leading meeting place for African and Nordic business people. Last year 450 delegates from more than 25 countries were present, says Eivind Fjeldstad, Managing Director of the Norwegian-African Business Association (NABA). He now extends an invitation to business people from Nordic and African countries who would like to explore business partnerships.
Several special sessions this year
In addition to interesting plenary sessions from morning to lunch, there will also be special sessions focusing on “Renewable Energy in East Africa”, “Real Estate/Construction in West Africa”, “Consumer goods in North Africa” and “Food Production for the Growing Cities”. Key note speaker this year is Thabo Mbeki (see photo), former President of South Africa, and he will be joined by – among others – Egypt’s Minister of Investment Ms. Dalia Khorshid, Uganda’s Minister of Energy and Minerals Ms. Irene Muloni, Norwegian Foreign Minister Mr. Børge Brende, Finnish Minister for International Trade and Development Mr. Kai Mykkänen and more than 20 speakers from business and institutions such as OECD and the International Energy Agency (IEA). An overview of speakers this year can be found here: summit.norwegianafrican.no
Register now
Partners of this year’s Nordic-African Business Summit includes Norfund, KLM, FK Norway, the Financial Times, Rendeavour, Multiconsult, Statoil, Yara International, INTL FCStone, Leidar and the African Business magazine. Business people who would like to join can register through this link.
– We urge our African business partners to register and apply for visa now. Our partner KLM offers discounted flights to Oslo this period, and we think this will be a trip worthwhile, says Fjeldstad.