African business celebrated

NABA’s international media partner, African Business, in partnership with the Commonwealth Business Council, hosted the 5th annual African Business Awards in London 7 June.NABA was invited to the event that is a celebration of the entrepreneurial triumphs of Africa’s finest business leaders and companies.– The next decades belong to Africa, said Dr. Manu Chandaria, one of East-Africa’s most prominent business people when he received the ”Lifetime achievement award.”– The African private sector is driving the continent forward and these awards are a recognition that development in Africa is no longer only about the exploitation of natural resources, instead the awards are a recognition of domestic growth and the entrepreneurial spirit that has propelled African states into the consciousness of the most astute international investors, said Sir Alan Collins, Director General of the Commonwealth Business Council.In total 14 prizes were awarded at the African Business Awards Thursday night. Key-note-speaker at the Norwegian-African Business Summit 2011, Dr. Manu Chandaria, received the ”Lifetime achievement award”. Zambia’s Minister of Trade, Bob Sichinga, who recently visited Norway, awarded the prize of ”Investor of the year” to Aliko Dangote and the Dangote Group of Nigeria. Rwanda was given the award for ”country achievement for sustained improvement in investment climate.Read more at

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